home of books, writers tools and gifts for people and pets

Books, Gifts and Writing Tools

To aMUSE People -- and Pets!

How to Write Your Memoirs' by Ina Hillebrandt...Makes writing your life histories fun!
Don't bug 'em!
Gift Mom 'n' Dad!

Pawpress Books and Tools to aMUSE the Writer in You


Specializing in Memoirs, Humor, Fiction, Pet Tails, and Poetry

Pawpress books are available at Amazon and other fine e-tailers, or ask at your favorite local bookstore.
Please contact us about bulk purchase, review copies, reprint permissions.

Publisher: Pawpress
Date: June 21, 2022

ISBN-13 ‏: ‎
Available worldwide!

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And see him speak about the book, live streaming at The And check out many other interviews, all filled with stories of his many adventures, and the remarkable people he continues to meet.

Watch Chester and Ina at The BookFest

Chester L.

Visit Chester on YouTube

Reviews of Chester's Book

Pawpress is proud to announce the DEBUT of our newest author, Chester L. Richards!


From the Potato to Star Trek and Beyond: Memoirs of a Rocket Scientist

Having had a number of odd brushes with death, Author Chester L. Richards has always boldly gone where few have dared. His mantra: view all that comes your way — the good, the terrifying, and the ugly — as a series of adventures. That attitude began after he co-wrote a spec scrip with friend Judy Burns. Imagine their excitement when they were told, "We want to buy it!" And then were hired to write what became "The Tholian Web," for Star Trek. A veteran writer read the script, and told Chet, "You should write. Write your passions." Chet decided he'd better fill his life with adventures, so that he might have something to write about. And now he has. You'll find:

Chester facing the wrath of The Great Potato, hippos rushing at the white water rafts the author and crew were manning in the Omo River in Ethiopia, a crazed gunman who aimed a rifle at his belly, a rocket test stand blowing up, and many more adventures during a life Chester L. Richards deliberately keeps filling to the brim.

Chester appeared at the LAT Festival of Books 2022. (2023: Chester's busy finalizing Book 2, but publisher Pawpress is appearing at the IWOSC Booth #130 Sat April 22 10am-noon, and same time Sunday April 24 at the BPSC Booth #955 -- home of the famous Irwin Zucker's team. Come find the book, hear more about it, and see why Chester is an in demand guest on shows at home and abroad.

Here's the storyteller par excellence at a loss for words, surrounded by a bevy of EMMY nominees from the show about lives of the lady wrestlers, Total Divas. Photo was taken at the fabulous  #DPAGroup pre-Emmys gifting suite event in which we were honored to articipate.

 Watch 24/7 Now! Chet Richards appearing at speaking about his new book on Men Who Write Memoirs Panel
#ChesterLRichards #TheBookFest #FromThePotatoToStarTrek #StarTrek #BlackChateau #Beatrice Adenodi #ClimateChange #ThoughtLeaders #ProminentAuthors #BookGiveaways

Rave Reviews on the back cover
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On sale Worldwide

Available Now!
and other fine booksellers and online retailers.

For more news about the book, diet tips, appearances by Ina, and all things cannibal,
Check our site, and Follow us!

You Are Who You Eat

You Are Who You Eat, The Revolutionary New Cannibal Diet

By Ina Silvert Hillebrandt, with Uncle Dan
Illustrated by Dedini

Publisher Pawpress
ISBN 978-1-880882-27-6

Have you been trying to lose weight? Forever? Have we got a plan for you! You Are Who You Eat has weight loss tips that apply to all of us, cannibal and civilian alike. Sprinkled liberally with cannibal jokes, and highly seasoned with cartoons by world renowned Playboy, Esquire, and The New Yorker artist Dedini. Publisher Pawpress is proud to announce that the book is now in the collection of The Billy Ireland Cartoon Museum at Ohio State University, where a number of Dedini originals are housed.

"At last a diet that makes sense!" The Donner Party


Book Signing at The Black Chateau Booth # 959

1-3 pm PT
April 24, 2022

'Pawprints' by Ina Hillebrandt, purr-fect pet humor gift book to aMUSE kids and adults, age 6-106

Read a "Pawprint"

Pawprints Literacy +

NOTE: offers free shipping to members of Amazon Prime, and to everyone on orders over $25 even during COVID.

Publisher:  Pawpress 
ISBN 1-880-882-09-1

The Up-Beat, Off-Beat collection of short tails for animal lovers of all ages! Top Seller

Featured on ABC Nightly News and PBS - WXEL

"Wise, warm, witty whimsy no animal lover would wish to miss." Gerald Fried, Award Winning film composer and writer

"I like ‘Pawprints’ because it’s funny, romantic, freaky, and sort of weird. And because it’s about animals. Also because there’s lots for reading...I bring the book into school, and my teacher really likes it, too.  I read the stories to kids at my table, and they ask for more stories from 'Pawprints,' instead of other books."  Karen Levano, Age 8 ½, Ina's Pawprints After-School Enrichment program, Balboa Sports Center, L.A.

We're proud to say Pawprints evolved into a literacy and kindness to animals program

CHECK THE PAWPRINTS TAIL and Pawprints Literacy +

Contact us about classes, teacher training!  Please be sure to fill in the comment a
reas with your email or other contact info, and questions so we know how to help you!

Watch the video!  Reviews 


How to Write Your Memoirs...Fun Prompts to Make Writing...and Reading Your life Stories a Pleasure!

Peek Inside

Price: $29.95
Get your copy today!


Capture your memories, or invent some!

How to Write Your Memoirs -- Fun Prompts to Make Writing -- and Reading -- Your Life Stories

a Pleasure!

By Ina Hillebrandt
Publisher:  Pawpress InasPawprints paw logo
ISBN 1-880882-04-3

"I thank you, Ina, for helping me see that I really can write!" Arabella Bel-Mitchell

"I didn't know writing would be this easy!"
Attendee, adult Footprints Writing Workshop

"I find Ina Hillebrandt's How to Write Your Memoirs to be a comprehensive and concise manual. It starts with basic information which systematically leads into a variety of ideas and examples of style and substance....a helpful tool for future writers...I believe it will even inspire some that think of themselves as not possessing writing skills. I enjoyed the book and strongly recommend it."
David Brook, member Footprints Writing Club, and contributing author to the group's bestseller Stories From The Heart, vol. 2
Stories From The Heart Vol. 2


Click cover to enlarge

How will How to Write Your Memoirs help you write your life histories?

How to Write Your Memoirs contains prompts and pictures that people say:

  • Ignite creativity
  • Help with writing form and structure
  • Help people shape their life histories
  • “Unblock!”
  • Make writing FUN!

Who's "How to Write Your Memoirs" for?

  • People who'd like to give a great treasure to their families

  • People who have been wanting to capture times and memories they've enjoyed on paper, but who have said, "I can't write!"

  • People interested in finding new creative outlets to keep happy, active and enjoying life

  • People who want to develop their writing projects further!


Join us in congratulating our Footprints Writing Club™ authors! 
Stories From The Heart, Vol. 2  made it onto's bestseller list!

And vol. 3 is available now -- new, with memoirs, a brand new section, Fairy Tales for Grownups™,  plus expanded
Imagination and Memoir Writing Tools to entertain and inspire you to write yourself!

All the Stories From The Heart books make perfect companions to "How To Write Your Memoirs..." containing examples of both memoir and fiction, plus tools in Vols. 2 and 3 to open you to write more creative memoirs of your own!


From a 93 year old gentleman
Of Politics, Ladies and Bagels
Poetry Provocative and Punny
By Gene Zahn

Publisher:  Pawpress
ISBN 978-1-880882-17-7  

Of Politics, Ladies and Bagels is a collection of (mostly) rhyming poetry springing from the provocative, insightful, romantic and playful mind of its 92 year old gentleman author, Gene Zahn. His book includes social and political poems - some serious, others couched as potatoes, or bagels – almost all penned in rhyming verse. Themes range from experiences of a young man growing up to thoughts on how to achieve a better democracy. And there are odes to ladies galore, topped by moving, endearing elegies to Judy, the love of Gene’s life.

Available at,, or ask at your favorite bookstore

Free Downloadable eBook Version



Reviewers Toast Zahn's "Bagel"

“Gene Zahn delivers an abundant treasure of whimsical observations. Edgy, insightful, entertaining. “
Joe Siegman, Author, “Jews and Sports”

“Zahn’s poetry embraces and honors all the pivotal moments of life – from a child’s eye, to a soldier’s angst, to a young man’s dreams and thoughts. His words will jump into your heart, instilling wit, laughter, gratitude and nostalgia for what was and could be. Thank you, Gene. You have inspired me to notice the particulars, enjoy the humor in subtleties, and appreciate the evolution of life.”
Lisa Boren, “Happily married mom.” Honors: Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude

More Reviews  Read excerpts


Wine, Women, Whispers
By Alon Mintz
, a.k.a. Rocky Mintziano, Adam Savage, Ali Mintez...

Available at,, or ask at your favorite bookstore

Publisher:  Pawpress
ISBN 978-1-880882-14-6

Wine, Women, Whispers....Tales by a master storyteller who was kidnapped, twice, was almost killed by the best hospital in London…A boxer...Serial entrepreneur... Lover of ladies, food and wine

Excerpt: Intro 
Excerpt: Guy's Hospital, London 
Excerpt: Beirut -- Kidnapped!



Rave Reviews for Wine, Women, Whispers


"Wine, Women, Whispers is about a quirky and very interesting man of the world...I loved the homage to his mother, which is very tender. The book makes me want to know more about the author -- whether he is called Alon Mintz (his given name), Rocky Mintziano, Adam Savage, Adam Stephens, or Ali Mintz. His crazy and not so crazy escapades are fun to read, and make me kind of envious that I haven't done half the things he has in his lifetime." Susan Pinkus, Former Director, Los Angeles Times Polls

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Stories From The Heart: More Enchanting Tales and Imagination Tools to help you write better memoirs, front cover

Click cover to enlarge



Authors: Sophie Chudacoff, Eliza Crawford, Sunny Glasser, Mary Lyday, Jane Madeline, Henry Markosian, Mori Morrison, Kay Roberts, Laurel Shapiro, Louis Weinstein, Howard Westley.
Editing, preface and writing tools by Ina Hillebrandt

Available from, or ask at your favorite bookstore.
Publisher:  Pawpress
ISBN 978-1-0880882-12-2

"More Enchanting Memoirs and Imagination Tools to Help You Write Your Own Enchanting Memoirs"

Peek Inside

Order Yours Now on,, or at your favorite bookstore! 

Click back cover to enlarge

"These stories open a window on vivid worlds of memory and imagination.  A pleasure to read."
Lisa Diana Shapiro, Playwright and screenwriter

"Multi-hued, textured tales -- from such yarns was woven the American Dream."
Marvin J. Wolf,Author of "Fallen Angels" and many other nonfiction books

“These stories, and the prompts, say to me, ‘I can do this!’”
Norman Franklin, Retired engineer

"This volume of 'Stories From The Heart' provides another lively sampling of stories that will engage the reader' emotions and minds. And the writing cues will inspire both new and published authors to put pen to paper." John Bragin, Co-founder and Past Coordinator, UCLA Extension Film and Television Certification Program


Buy yours now! 'Stories From The Heart.' vol. 2, named bestseller by amazon. Stories by The Footprints Writing Club STORIES FROM THE HEART, VOL. 2

Authors: Pawprints (now Footprints) Writing Club members
Andre van Zijl, Sophie Chudacoff, Eliza Crawford, Mori Morrison, Kay Roberts, Howard Westley. David Brook
Editor: Ina Hillebrandt

Publisher:  Pawpress
ISBN 1-0880882-04-6

From Great grape fiascos to wars...wit and wisdom from India, Hungary, South Africa, Poland and the United States.

Poignant, funny, tender, frightening and insightful memories narrated in the distinctive voices of Angelenos originally from a range of contents, countries and times

Peek Inside

See authors read selected stories in a live show taped at the book launch

Order yours now from, B& or your favorite bookstore! 


Reviews of Stories From The Heart, vol. 2

"These words are alive!  They're so honest, they're really refreshing!  Completely charming....reminds me of so many stories in my own life."  G.S. Board Member Library, Music programs, Los Angeles

"There's something in here for everyone -- the people are from so many different backgrounds, and their stories are all so entertaining!" M. Norello, Architect/Designer, L.A.

"The section I most enjoyed was a few punning stories about cats by the late Earl Boretz, which were most amusing. His characters include Count Fe-Line the cat burglar in 'Pussy Footin’ Around'; Sinister, the three-legged pirate cat and Sorrowful, the witch...Overall, an entertaining collection." Cecilia Blight, Nelm News, newsletter of The National English Literary Museum,
Grahamstown, S. Africa

"This book is so good...the Pawprints writing group creates a sense of community, which people lack these days.  People get to tell their stories -- that's the beset thing.  And the book is beautiful.  With the book, the website where I read some of the stories first, altogether, what a great service!"
Diane Slade, artist and therapist, Napa, CA


Price $14.95, plus shipping and handling

Publisher:  Pawpress
ISBN 1-0880882-07-8

Tales from Grownups, Fanciful and True

  • Arabella Bel-Mitchell

  • Earl Boretz

  • Eliza Crawford

  • Alfredo A. Hernandez

  • Rose LaVine

  • Bill Safier

"These stories are so much fun! And they make me think, 'I can do that!'"
Sarah French, New York

"I love the cat stories by Earl!"
Bob L., NYC

"Thank you, Ina, for helping our Dad and for bringing us closer.  We've been anxious to see the stories he wrote about the family, and surprised to see all his about the (fictional) family of Mo the cat...glad he's making people laugh and inspiring them to write." Children of Contributor to "How to Write Your Memoirs" and "Stories from the Heart"

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Press Release

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Meandering Mindfulness...
Poetry from the place where wander and wonder merge

Chrystine Julian

Edited by Ina Hillebrandt
Publisher:  Pawpress

ISBN 978-1-0880882-13-9

Once again Chrystine Julian paints a colorful world of the sensual, spiritual, political and this time, the "silly," in a book that appeals both to seasoned poets and those who usually read prose.

"Chrystine Julian's poems carve out a space for surprising slice at a time. Even the short pieces are mighty in meaning and insight. From the very few lines that embody a world view of trees to the vulnerability of passion and love, Chrystine manages to touch the heart, and intrigue the mind. I highly recommend her lovely book of poetry, Meandering Mindfulness."
Ruth Light, Women's National Book Association

"I recently picked up a copy of 'Meandering Mindfulness' by Southern California Poet, Drummer and Workshop Leader, Chrystine Julian. And though I’ve only had it a short time, it already has the look of a worn out favorite."
Read whole review on Bellaonline by Deanna Joseph, Inspiration Editor 

Back cover, reviews and more
Table of Contents

Read a poem from meandering mindfulness:
"God Called Me to His Office"

"Messiah Girl Melissa"
America the Unattractive, July 4, 2008" "Wonderfully Endless Thing"


Now in its third printing!

Sensual Spirit, poetry and thoughts from the place where body and soul meet


Read a poem from sensual spirit:

"Awakened to Love"  "Drama in Real Life" "Love Left,"  "Soft," "The Dragon"


Sensual Spirit...poetry and thoughts from the place where body and soul meet
By Chrystine Julian
Edited by Ina Hillebrandt

Publisher:  Pawpress

ISBN 978-1-0880882-11-5

In Sensual Spirit Chrystine Julian demonstrates why she has been proclaimed “an amazing modern day poet seer.” This collection emerges from her shamanic and mystic experiences of blurring the line between body and soul. She sews images of passion,  love, longing and social consciousness into a complex quilt of words. As literature, Sensual Spirit is well crafted modern verse that is delightful to read aloud. As mysticism it follows the tradition of ancient wisdom keepers, using the carnal to explore the spiritual and the ethereal to understand the down to earth world. 

See the back cover, with more information about Chrystine, reviews a short excerpt from the book. Chrystine can be reached through her website

Back Cover, Reviews and More

Note: You can hear Chrystine perform her work in various venues around Southern California and other parts of the country. Check her website for appearance schedule You'll really be glad you did!

"What a rapturous book! Chrystine Julian weds wit and wisdom, body and spirit, in these poem. Her warmth and humor and deep insight radiate off every page." Gayle Brandeis, author of "Fruitflesh, Seeds of inspiration for women that write," "Self Storage" and the Bellwether Prize winner, "The Book of Dead Birds"

More reviews


Go East Young Man, Go East, by Charles Alan Tichenor-front cover, oil pipeline over sand, camel train on horizon

Click below to read excerpts, or buy from Amazon:

Go East, Young Man, Go  East!
By Charles Alan Tichenor
Edited by Ina Hillebrandt
Publisher:  Pawpress
ISBN 1-0880882-

Memoirs of an eyewitness to the oil boom and culture clashes of the Middle East.

Glimpses into history in the making. Dr. Tichenor, a.k.a. "The Cat," or "Unk," begins with life as he lived it in 1920's America, moving ever eastward to the Middle East mid-century, where he was sent as a minister to work with the Aramco flock.

Today called Saudi Aramco, the oil giant is the largest in the world...and it all began with secret treaties, a Saudi American partnership, a benevolent king, somewhat reluctant Bedouins, camels, and black gold....

Contains photos, glossary and index.


"Once I started, I didn't want to stop. A great book for people who are interested in current affairs, historians, anyone interested in history."
Larry N. Beard, Col. (Ret.) US Army

"I would definitely recommend this book...I liked reading a bout the religions and his connections with them, the history, the humor that lies beneath his words, sadness mixed with humor."
Christine Bishop, Bishop .CA

"This is fasincating. I couldn't put it down! I kept wanting to read more."
Howard Westley, Ret. WWII Air Force and commercial pilot, member of Aviation Pioneers

Pawprints -- The Student Prints
The Educators' Guide to the
Pawprints Literacy Plus Program

Publisher:  Pawpress

ISBN 1-0880882-03-5


Price $29.95 plus shipping and handling

Enlarge front cover

Look Inside

"This curriculum guide is great -- very easy to use, and makes kids want to read, and write, from the heart. Plus, it's really good for science, too! " Judy Rubin, Elementary School Teacher, grades 1 and 2, Bensalem, PA

"Pawprints is delightful! There's nothing like it...The stories really stimulate kids to write. Using Pawprints involves observing the behavior of living things, plus reflecting, reading and writing. It has it all. It's a wonderful idea, all around." Ginger Krell, 7th Grade Science Teacher, Lone Hill Middle School, San Dimas, CA

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Pawpress is proud to announce a new line of books
by  TALENTED authors of memoirs,  POETRY AND spirit


The Angel Chronicles by J.K. Johnson is a captivating mystery/romance with a connection to the other world.
The book represents a publishing service from Pawpress.
We help you with every step of the publishing process using your own imprint.
Or, if your book fits our catalog, you can publish with us under the Pawpress imprint.

Contact us for information


New! Memoir Writing Classes, Training for Groups! 

Ina is available to train your staff. Unique, easy to learn creativity and motivation tips and tools make it easy help your seniors get all the benefits of writing their memoirs -- a heightened sense of well being, enthusiasm for living, knowledge they are creating a valuable gift for themselves and their families. 
 Classes also available for your members, residents.
Optional book production and design for individuals and groups.
See also
Grownups Memoir Workshops  Contact us for more information.

Have a book you want to get into print?
We've expanded our author printing services. See

 if your project is a fit. We'd be happy to help.

Publishing Services




More books available now: The official Pawprints Journal, dog and cat lovers' versions.  Visit our online store by clicking the shop below.  More books coming soon!


PURR-FECT GIFTS!  Wearables and other fun gifts featuring Pawprints fuzzy stars.  Great gifts for kids, grownups and furry friends! Click the mug on the left to whisk off to our secure online store!

"I just bought 12 matching Tee shirts for my kids and grandkids, and one for me.  Won't it be fun to see us all in the same shirt?"
                                                                                       Sophie C., L.A.

Just a few examples of goodies from our online store:

"In Paws We Trust"™ and  "May the paws be with you"™ Collections for Dog and Cat Freaks, like us! 

        Tote bag for dog lovers featuring Handsome, star of 'Pawprints' by Ina    Rapper P. Cat adorns T-shirt for cat lovers      Dog T-shirt for lovers of dogs and literature        normal">            
Check our store for Specials!!!!! 

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GREAT ANY DAY GIFT! You Are Who You Eat. Illustrated by The New Yorker, Playboy, Esquire artist Dedini!

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Animated graphics from  Not to be copied or used for personal or commercial purposes without permission from   Pawpress,, Pawprints Literacy Plus, Comic Release, Grief Lifters, Idea Magic are trademarks of Ina Hillebrandt. All books © by Ina Hillebrandt/authors.

Website © 2003 Ina Hillebrandt. Updated regularly. Latest update April 2022. Entire site under revision, coming by mid-2023. All rights reserved. No video, audio, text or graphics may be used except where indicated. Please contact Pawpress for information on reprints or other uses.