WHAT: Spoken word with music by veteran swing and jazz
duo Ira Westley (Harry James Orchestra, film musician/composer) and Harrison
Stevens (renowned guitarist with a zillion film spots to his credit) …
Revitalize with these talented musicians and senior authors, mainly first-timers
in a book, as they read selections from their early and more recent days.
Everything from great grape fiascos to wars…touching, comic, tender,
frightening, insightful memories narrated in the distinctive voices of Angelenos
originally from India, Hungary, South Africa, Poland and the U.S.
“At Cherbourg, we took the Orient Express to Budapest…” “Winkie was part of a
litter produced from an illicit affair between Bunny’s Great Dane and the
neighbor’s boxer…”
“Africa grips me by the throat. Shakes me like a dog with a rat, refusing to let
me go…”
Emceed by bestselling author and pet humorist Ina, of a certain age herself,
creator of the Pawprints Writing Clubs™ that fostered the new bestselling
anthology. The authors will sign autographs and join the crowd at the booth for
more readings later. Special prices on books.
WHEN: OCT. 2, 11:15 – NOON p.m.
WHERE: WEHO BOOK FAIR, 647 N. San Vicente Blvd., W. Hollywood 90069.
Spectacular Stories Stage
and Pawprints Literacy Plus Foundation Booth #72, 10-6
SPECIAL: SALE PRICES on “Stories from the Heart, Vol. 2,” and other books
from Pawprints Writers, plus Ina’s Amazon.com bestseller "Pawprints," and other
Pawprints goodies.
Foundation, we are dedicated, year-round, to kindness to animals as well as
literacy. At this time of terrible calamity and thousands of stranded and
terrified furry friends in the Gulf, we have formed a special program to
highlight the importance of taking care of pets in need from Katrina-Rita. We
have information on what people can do, and projects they can join to help us
help. We are donating $1 from the sale of every Pawprints item sold, plus we are
asking people for separate contributions. We are a 501 (c) (3). All donations
are tax deductible, and so very needed. Funds will go direct to animal rescue
organizations working on KATRINA-RITA pet rescue and relief.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: The authors and Ina are available for
interviews. For more information about the event, the authors, the Pawprints
Writing Clubs,™ Stories From The Heart, Vols. 1
and 2, of any of the books used in the program – Pawprints, How to Write Your
Memoirs…Fun Prompts to Make Writing … and Reading … Your Life Stories a Pleasure
– media and readers are invited to take a paws at the website,
www.InasPawprints.com or call Jennifer at . NOTE: All books are available on
Amazon.com. To go direct to the new Stories From The Heart on Amazon.com,
please include entire title, Stories From The Heart, Vol. 2. For
directions or other info about WEHO, please go to WEHO.org and click Book Fair.
(FOR MEDIA ONLY: review copies of books available)
the book, the Pawprints Literacy Plus ProgramÔ and
Writing Clubs, and the Pawprints Literacy Plus Foundation,Ô
media and readers are invited to take a paws at the website,
www.InasPawprints.com or E-mail Anna at
annap@InasPawprints.com |